Beyond the Tablet – Digital Contract Adoption and Acceptance for the Vacation Ownership Industry

If you’re a servicer, developer, lender, title company, custodian or lawyer in the vacation ownership sector, then you know that digital transformations are the profitable next phase for the industry. There are numerous benefits to digitizing the sales and post-contract processes. A paperless sales process is just the beginning of a seamless, fully digital solution. In our exclusive webinar we’ll reveal the benefits available through the back-end of a robust compliant digital solution –– Plus, you’ll hear how the digital contract process is being accepted by lenders, how to create an enforceable electronic contract and how to secure optimal financing for electronic contracts. 

Save The Date: June 10, 2015  |   Time: 2:00 pm EST 

Join our webinar and learn about:

  • Enforcing paperless contracts: How digital signatures are legally applied to timeshare contracts, and how ownership is transferred electronically.
  • Financing paperless contracts: How digital contracts may be pledged as collateral under a standard warehouse loan or sold into an asset securitization; the importance of electronic custodial solutions to the financing process.
  • Reviewing the important players: lenders, timeshare companies, servicers, custodians, title companies and their respective counsel – in evaluating and implementing a paperless contract closing and financing process for the vacation ownership industry.
  • How to choose the right solutions.

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